Manufacturer of Injections

AdvaCare Pharma is an established manufacturer and supplier of intravenously (IV) and intramuscularly (IM) administered pharmaceutical injections. Available forms include Powder for Injection, Small Volume Injections and Large Volume Injections (Infusions).
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Injections available in a variety of forms and types.


  • 9001
    Quality Management
  • 14001
    Environmental Management
  • 45001
    Occupational Health and Safety


  • GMP
  • ISO
  • FSC
  • COA
  • COO


  • CTD Dossier
  • Site Master File
  • Bioequivalence (BE) Studies

Manufacturing Locations

  • China, India, United States
*Regulatory compliance may vary according to production standard, import requirements and/or manufacturing origin.
A doctor providing details on the wide product range of pharma company AdvaCare Pharma.

Doctor Voices

See why we are a leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.

AdvaCare is able to leverage raw materials, cost-effective processes and human resources to provide one of the most complete pharmaceutical ranges, competitive pricing and unmatched support, while always ensuring quality, accuracy and consistency.

Dr. D. Miller

Medical Advisory Board

What are Injections?

Injections are a method of delivering medication directly into the body through a needle and syringe. They allow for rapid and precise administration of drugs into the bloodstream, muscles, or specific tissues. Injections are used when immediate effects, accurate dosing, or bypassing the digestive system are required.

Injections offer several advantages over other routes of drug administration. Firstly, injections provide rapid onset of action, allowing medications to take effect quickly. This is important in emergency situations or when immediate therapeutic effects are necessary. Secondly, injections allow for precise dosing, which is crucial in the case of potent drugs or medications with narrow therapeutic windows. Lastly, injections bypass the digestive system, which can be beneficial for drugs that are poorly absorbed or degraded in the gastrointestinal tract.

There are different types of injections based on route and target area. Intravenous (IV) injections involve the direct administration of medication into the bloodstream, providing immediate systemic effects. Intramuscular (IM) injections deliver drugs into the muscle tissue, allowing for slower absorption and sustained release. Subcutaneous (SC) injections involve the administration of medication into the subcutaneous tissue, just below the skin, allowing for absorption into the bloodstream over a longer period.

In addition to their practical advantages, injections also offer a level of patient compliance that can be particularly useful in cases where adherence to a treatment regimen is crucial. This is especially relevant for individuals who have difficulty swallowing or are unable to take medications orally. Injections can also be beneficial for patients with certain gastrointestinal conditions that might impact the absorption of oral medications.

Note that while injections provide numerous benefits, they also come with certain considerations. The administration of injections requires proper training to ensure accurate technique, prevent complications, and minimize discomfort for the patient. Additionally, injections might carry a risk of infection at the injection site if not performed under sterile conditions. Monitoring for potential allergic reactions, adverse effects, or interactions with other medications is also a critical aspect of injection-based therapy.

Healthcare professionals carefully assess the patient's medical history, condition, and specific medication requirements before deciding on the most appropriate route of administration. Depending on the drug's properties, the urgency of treatment, and the patient's overall health, injections can offer a reliable and effective means of delivering medications for optimal therapeutic outcomes.

What are Injections used for?

What is the purpose of Injections?

Injections are used in many applications, such as treating infections, pain management, hormone therapy, and vaccinations. They are also used for diagnostic purposes, including administering contrast agents or skin tests and for procedures like regional anesthesia and the delivery of local anesthetics.

Why would Injections be preferred over other types of pharmaceutical medications?

Injections may be preferred over other types of medications for several reasons. Firstly, they offer rapid onset of action, allowing for immediate therapeutic effects compared to oral medications. Secondly, injections enable precise dosing. Finally, injection medications can bypass issues related to poor absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, making them a better option for drugs that are poorly absorbed or degraded in the digestive system.

Are Injections painful?

The level of pain experienced during injections can vary depending on factors such as the needle size, injection site, and individual pain tolerance. However, modern injection techniques and advancements in needle design aim to minimize discomfort. Healthcare professionals often employ strategies such as using smaller gauge needles, applying topical anesthetics, or utilizing injection devices to make the process as painless as possible.

Are injections safe for pediatric patients?

Yes, injection drugs can be safe and effective for pediatric patients when administered by trained healthcare professionals. Pharmaceutical injections are commonly used for vaccinations, providing immunity against various diseases. Proper techniques and appropriate needle sizes are employed to ensure minimal discomfort and the safety of children. In certain cases, injections may be preferred over oral medications for precise dosing and rapid therapeutic response in pediatric populations.

How should Injections be handled and stored?

Storing and handling injection medications properly is essential to maintain their effectiveness and ensure patient safety. They should be stored in a controlled environment, following the manufacturer's instructions regarding temperature, humidity, and light exposure, which is typically away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and moisture.

It is crucial to adhere to proper handling techniques, including using sterile equipment, maintaining aseptic conditions during preparation and administration, and following proper disposal procedures for used needles and syringes. Healthcare professionals must also be well-trained in the correct administration techniques to minimize the risk of contamination or injury.

Types of Injections

  • Powder for Injection is a sterile, dry form of a drug that requires reconstitution with a suitable solvent before administration. It is commonly preferred when a drug is unstable in liquid form or needs to be reconstituted immediately before use to maintain its potency. This allows for better stability and preservation of the medication's effectiveness. Our Powder for Injection range includes antibiotic, analgesic, anti-infective, gastrointestinal and other reconstituted injectable therapeutics.
  • Small Volume (SVP) Injections are sterile solutions or suspensions packaged in vials or ampoules. They are directly administered into the bloodstream or muscles, providing a rapid onset of action. SVP injections are favored when immediate therapeutic effects are required or when oral administration is not feasible. Our Small Volume Parenteral range includes antibiotic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, antihistamine, antiemetic and other injectable therapeutics.
  • Large Volume (LVP) Injections consist of sterile solutions packaged in larger containers, often used for intravenous infusion over an extended period. These injections are designed for continuous, slow infusion to ensure a controlled and steady delivery of the medication. LVP injections are commonly employed when a continuous and prolonged treatment is necessary, providing a constant therapeutic level over time. Our Infusion range includes antibiotic, rehydration, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, osmotic diuretic and other therapies of IV administered drugs.

Examples of Injections

Injections play a crucial role in delivering medications and therapeutic agents directly into the bloodstream, ensuring rapid and effective treatment. The examples provided below highlight a range of injections categorized by their formulation and purpose:

Powder for Injection:

- Amoxicillin Sodium (AmoxiCare™) - Cefazolin (ZolinCare™) - Erythromycin Lactobionate (ErythroCare™) - Omeprazole Sodium (OmepraCare™) - Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate (CortiCare™)

SVP Injection:

- Chlorphenamine (ChlomaCare™) - Diazepam (DiazCare™) - Oxytocin (OxcinCare™) - Progesterone (ProsonCare™) - Tetanus Antitoxin (TexinCare™)

LVP Injection:

- Ciprofloxacin (CiproCare™) - Fluconazole (FluCare™) - Mannitol (ManniCare™) - Paracetamol (ParaCare™) - Metronidazole (MetroCare™)

These examples merely scratch the surface of the vast selection of injections used in medical practice. The field of medicine continues to evolve with innovative formulations and treatments that cater to specific needs, underscoring the importance of medical expertise when selecting the most suitable injections for individual patients.

Why are we a top Injections manufacturer?

AdvaCare Pharma is a reputable pharmaceutical manufacturer of Injections and is recognized for its commitment to delivering value to medical distributors. We prioritize the manufacture of high-quality, affordable injectable medications, offering tailored solutions to address diverse healthcare needs. With a vast range of over 500 branded pharmaceuticals, including 120+ treatments in powder for injection, small volume injection and large volume injection dosage forms, hospitals and clinics in more than 65 countries rely on our injectable therapies.

Our pharmaceutical injection manufacturing plants in China, India and the USA strictly adhere to rigorous GMP regulations. We conduct regular government, third-party and internal facility inspections to surpass industry requirements. Our focus on quality control in the injection manufacturing process instills confidence in the reliability and safety of our injections.

AdvaCare Pharma prioritizes building a strong and collaborative relationship with its pharmaceutical distributors. We have established a vested partnership model that fosters shared distribution responsibilities and ensures a mutually beneficial outcome for both parties. By working closely together, we strive to achieve sustainable growth and success in the marketplace.