Manufacturer of Veterinary & Livestock Medicines

AdvaCare Pharma is a manufacturer and global supplier of veterinary medicines and supplements for livestock and domestic animals. Recommended by veterinarians, distributors and farmers alike, an extensive range of dosage forms and treatments are available.
Veterinary & Livestock Medicines
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Ciprofloxacin Injection
Veterinary medicine manufacturer of injections, suspensions, powders, boluses, tablets for livestock and pets.


  • 9001
    Quality Management
  • 14001
    Environmental Management
  • 45001
    Occupational Health and Safety


  • GMP
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  • Bioequivalence (BE) Studies

Manufacturing Locations

  • China, India, United States
*Regulatory compliance may vary according to production standard, import requirements and/or manufacturing origin.
A veterinarian providing details on the wide vet range of veterinary medicines manufacturer AdvaCare Pharma.

Veterinarian Voices

See why we are a trusted manufacturer of veterinary medications and pet supplements.

AdvaCare veterinary products are marketed by our distributors knowing that efficacy is assured. Such confidence in our products has made AdvaCare the market leader in countries where reliable, cost-effective livestock medications and pet supplements are in high demand.

Dr. C. Wagner

Veterinary Advisory Board

What is the meaning of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals?

Veterinary pharmaceuticals are specialized medicines and treatments formulated for the prevention, diagnosis, and management of diseases in domestic and livestock animals. They maintain animal health, ensuring their well-being and productivity. Their use also upholds the safety of animal-derived foods for humans.

Veterinary medicines serve a dual purpose: they address health issues in animals and help maintain public health standards. These treatments span from combating infections, controlling parasites, to addressing genetic and breed-specific ailments in domestic and farm animals. The regular and judicious use of these drugs ensures that the risks of disease transmission to humans are minimized, especially given that many human diseases have zoonotic origins.

Medicine for animals, which includes veterinary injections, boluses, tablets, solutions, powders, and more, has evolved significantly with the progression of veterinary science. These specialized medications cater to a broad spectrum of health concerns, tailored to the unique physiology and needs of different species. Veterinary injections, particularly, offer rapid onset of action, making them invaluable in critical care situations where oral administration might be less effective or slower to act.

The industry has also recognized the increasing demand for precision in dosage and administration forms, leading to the introduction of varied modalities like veterinary powders and tablets. These forms often cater to preventive care or chronic conditions, allowing for easy integration into an animal's diet or environment. Their versatility ensures that animal caregivers and breeders have a wide range of options, optimizing the health regimen of the animals under their care.

The advancement in veterinary medicine emphasizes the importance of responsible and ethical use of these medications. Veterinarians and animal caregivers are increasingly focusing on practices that minimize the development of antibiotic resistance, reduce the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals, and prioritize animal welfare. This approach involves accurate diagnosis, proper dosing, and adhering to recommended treatment protocols.

What are Veterinary Pharmaceuticals used for?

How are veterinary pharmaceuticals used?

Veterinary pharmaceuticals, more commonly referred to as veterinary medicines, are given to animals to prevent, treat, and manage diseases. Depending on the condition and type of animal, these medicines can be given orally, through injections, or applied topically. They play a crucial role in maintaining animal health and safeguarding livestock productivity.

How are resistance issues addressed in veterinary medicines?

Resistance, especially antibiotic resistance, is a growing concern in both human and veterinary medicine. For livestock, there's a push to reduce the use of antibiotics as growth promoters and to use them strictly for therapeutic reasons. Regular monitoring, controlled usage, and alternative treatments are researched to minimize the emergence of resistant strains. Proper dosing and full courses of treatment are also emphasized to prevent resistance development.

Are there any side effects associated with veterinary medicines?

Just like human medicines, veterinary drugs can have side effects. The nature and severity vary depending on the drug, dosage, and animal species. Veterinarians often weigh the potential benefits against the risks before prescribing, and they provide guidance on what side effects to watch for and how to manage them should they occur.

How do veterinarians determine the appropriate dosage of medicines for animals?

Veterinarians take into account factors like the animal's size, weight, age, and overall health when determining the appropriate dosage of medicines. They also consider the specific condition being treated and may adjust the dosage based on the animal's response to the treatment.

Can veterinary pharmaceuticals be used across different animal species?

Veterinary pharmaceuticals are often formulated and tested for specific animal species due to variations in physiology and metabolism. It's important to use medications intended for the specific species to ensure safety and effectiveness.

How are new veterinary pharmaceuticals developed and tested?

New veterinary pharmaceuticals undergo rigorous research, development, and testing processes. Initially, they are tested in labs and then in clinical trials, similar to human drug testing. The drugs must prove their efficacy and safety before receiving approval from regulatory bodies. The entire process ensures the new medicine is both effective for the targeted ailment and safe for the animal.

Can veterinary medicines interact with each other or with other treatments?

Yes, just like in human medicine, interactions between different veterinary medicines or between medicines and other treatments are possible. Some medicines can enhance or diminish the effects of others, or they might lead to adverse reactions when combined. Veterinarians are trained to consider potential interactions and adjust treatment plans accordingly to ensure the best possible outcome for the animal's health.

How are over-the-counter (OTC) veterinary medicines different from prescribed ones?

Prescription veterinary medicines are typically more potent and are recommended for treating specific conditions diagnosed by a veterinarian. OTC medicines, on the other hand, are usually milder and used for general issues. It's crucial to consult a veterinarian before using any medication to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

Types of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

  • Veterinary Injections are liquid medicines administered directly into the animal's body using a syringe and needle, ensuring rapid action and precise dosage. These injections are commonly used for delivering antibiotics, vaccines, and other therapeutic agents, providing a quick and effective way to treat various medical conditions in animals.
  • Veterinary Vaccines are biological preparations that provide animals with immunity against specific diseases by stimulating the production of antibodies. These vaccines play a crucial role in preventing the spread of contagious illnesses among animals, contributing to the overall health and well-being of both individual pets and larger animal populations.
  • Veterinary Solutions & Suspensions are liquid preparations that can be either administered orally or applied externally, offering versatility in treating various conditions. These formulations are particularly useful for animals that may have difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules, providing veterinarians with flexible options for effective treatment.
  • Veterinary Disinfectants are chemical agents used to eliminate or reduce harmful microorganisms from surfaces or instruments, ensuring a sanitary environment. These disinfectants are essential for maintaining cleanliness in veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and farms, helping prevent the transmission of infections and diseases among animals.
  • Veterinary Drops are concentrated liquid medicines, often administered in small amounts, commonly used for treating eye or ear conditions in animals. These drops allow for precise application and targeted treatment of specific issues, such as infections or inflammations, in sensitive areas like the eyes and ears of animals.
  • Veterinary Powders and Premixes are dry formulations used either topically or mixed with feed to ensure easy intake and distribution of medicine. These soluble powders are designed to provide convenience in administration and can be an effective way to deliver medications to animals, especially those that may be resistant to other forms of treatment.
  • Veterinary Boluses are large, oral solid dosage forms specifically for large animals, typically cylindrical, that slowly release the active ingredient over time once ingested. These boluses are most often used in livestock and larger animals, providing a sustained release of medication for prolonged therapeutic effects.
  • Veterinary Tablets are solid, oral compact forms of medicine for easy oral administration, often containing precise doses of active ingredients. Tablets are a commonly used and convenient way to administer medications to pets and smaller animals, ensuring accurate dosing and effective treatment.
  • Pet Supplements are nutritional additives that support the overall health, vitality, and well-being of domestic animals such as dogs and cats, addressing potential dietary deficiencies or specific health concerns. These supplements provide a complementary approach to animal care, helping to meet nutritional needs and enhance the quality of life for pets and other animals.

Examples of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

A diverse range of medicines plays a vital role in maintaining the health and well-being of animals. These pharmaceutical solutions cater to a various needs, from addressing specific health issues to enhancing overall preventive Care. Here is a list of the most commonly used veterinary injections, vaccines, solutions, suspensions, drops, disinfectants, and tablets:

Veterinary Injections:

- Atropine Sulfate Injection (AtroCare™) - Dexamethasone Injection (DexaCare™) - Ivermectin Injection (IverCare™)

Veterinary Vaccines:

- Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Vaccine (AdvaVac™ Bird Flu) - Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Vaccine (AdvaVac™ CSF) - Newcastle Disease (ND) Vaccine (AdvaVac™ ND)

Veterinary Solutions & Suspensions:

- Flea & Tick Relief Spray (AdvaMate™ Flea & Tick Relief Spray) - Tear Stain Remover Solution (AdvaMate™ Tear Stain Remover Solution) - Dental Cleanse Solution (AdvaMate™ Dental Cleanse Solution)

Veterinary Drops:

- Ivermectin Skin Drops (IverCare™) - Multivitamin Oral Drops (VitaCare™) - Dexamethasone + Gentamicin Sulfate Eye Drops (GenexCare™)

Veterinary Disinfectants:

- Benzalkonium Bromide Disinfectant (BromiCare™) - Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride (DDCA) Disinfectant (DimonCare™) - Povidone Iodine Disinfectant (PoviCare™)

Veterinary Tablets:

- Multivitamin Tablets (VitaCare™) - Praziquantel + Pyrantel Pamoate + Febantel Tablets (FepraCare™) - Erythromycin + Colistin Tablets (ErystinCare™)

Why are we a trusted Veterinary Pharmaceutical manufacturer?

AdvaCare Pharma is a notable manufacturer of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals, focusing on the manufacture of reliable and cost-effective medicines for animals. With a range of over 250 veterinary pharmaceuticals manufactured in 13 dosage forms, we've cultivated trust among our veterinary distributors. We ensure consistently effective vet medications are available to distributors, veterinarians and livestock farmers by offering customized healthcare solutions for animals tailored to diverse conditions.

Our veterinary pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, positioned in China, India and the USA, rigorously follow GMP guidelines to guarantee the safety and efficacy of our veterinary products. We regularly undergo government, internal and external inspections, exceeding industry norms. This dedication to quality ensures that our veterinary medicines meet and often surpass expectations.

Animals' diverse healthcare needs drive our expansive product lineup, which ranges from basic and advanced medications to animal nutrition available in dosage forms to meet every veterinary healthcare need. Every product in our catalog is designed with the singular goal of enhancing the overall health and well-being of animals and pets.