Manufacturer of Veterinary Clothing

A complete range of veterinary clothing and protective equipment (PPE) are manufactured to enable safe, fast and convenient examination of livestock, farm animals and pets by veterinarians.
Veterinary Clothing
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Test KitsInjection InstrumentsProtective Equipment
Veterinary clothing, PPE and supplies used for examination of farm animals, livestock and pets.


  • 9001
    Quality Management
  • 14001
    Environmental Management
  • 45001
    Occupational Health and Safety


  • GMP
  • ISO
  • COPP
  • FSC
  • COA
  • COO


  • VICH Dossier
  • Site Master File
  • Bioequivalence (BE) Studies

Manufacturing Locations

  • China, India, United States
*Regulatory compliance may vary according to production standard, import requirements and/or manufacturing origin.
A veterinarian providing details on the wide vet range of veterinary medicines manufacturer AdvaCare Pharma.

Veterinarian Voices

See why we are a trusted manufacturer of veterinary medications and pet supplements.

AdvaCare veterinary products are marketed by our distributors knowing that efficacy is assured. Such confidence in our products has made AdvaCare the market leader in countries where reliable, cost-effective livestock medications and pet supplements are in high demand.

Dr. C. Wagner

Veterinary Advisory Board

What is the meaning of Veterinary Clothing?

Veterinary clothing refers to specialized attire and protective wear designed for veterinarians and animal handlers when examining or treating livestock and farm animals. This clothing ensures the safety of the individual from potential hazards like animal scratches, bites, or exposure to infectious materials.

Veterinary clothing is a vital aspect of animal healthcare, as it provides a barrier between healthcare professionals and potential contaminants present in the animal care environment. This includes bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that could pose a health risk.

Beyond infection control, veterinary clothing also provides physical protection. When working with animals, particularly larger species such as cattle or horses, there's always a risk of injury due to kicks, bites, or other sudden movements. Proper attire, including durable gloves and protective footwear, can mitigate the impact of these incidents, helping to keep veterinary staff safe.

Lastly, veterinary clothing helps to maintain a professional appearance. In a healthcare setting, whether human or animal, cleanliness and orderliness are vital. Wearing designated uniforms or protective gear not only makes veterinary staff easily identifiable but also conveys a message of professionalism and dedication to the well-being of the animals in their care.

What are Veterinary Clothing used for?

What is the purpose of using Veterinary Clothing?

Veterinary clothing protects veterinarians and animal handlers from potential hazards during exams and treatments, such as scratches, bites, and exposure to infectious materials. They also help maintain a sanitary environment, preventing cross-contamination and ensuring the safety of animals and caregivers.

What materials are commonly used in Veterinary Clothing?

Veterinary clothing is typically made of durable, easy-to-clean materials like cotton, polyester, or specialized fabric blends. These materials offer protection and can often be washed at high temperatures to ensure sterilization.

Is Veterinary Clothing different for large animal vets versus small animal vets?

Yes, while the basic protective principles remain the same, clothing for large animal vets often offers additional protection, considering the greater physical risks associated with handling larger animals. This can include thicker materials or reinforced areas, especially for those working with livestock or equines.

How often should Veterinary Clothing be replaced?

The frequency of replacement depends on the wear and tear, as well as the material's ability to be effectively cleaned and sterilized. Clothing that shows signs of deterioration, has holes, or retains stains even after cleaning should be replaced to ensure optimum protection.

Do different roles in a veterinary practice require different types of clothing?

Generally, vets and vet technicians wear similar protective clothing. However, roles that involve more administrative or reception duties might not require as comprehensive protection as those directly handling and treating animals. Specific roles may also have unique attire, such as surgery scrubs for those participating in surgical procedures.

Types of Veterinary Clothing

  • Veterinary Scrubs are comfortable attire similar to medical scrubs, providing a barrier against contaminants. They are designed to be easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical choice for veterinary professionals who need to maintain hygiene and cleanliness while working with animals.
  • Protective Gowns are longer garments used during surgeries or when dealing with infectious diseases. They offer extended coverage to ensure that the wearer's clothing and skin are shielded from potential hazards, maintaining a sterile environment and reducing the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Gloves are used for various procedures to ensure safety and cleanliness. Gloves not only protect veterinary professionals from potential infections and chemicals but also prevent the transfer of contaminants between animals and individuals.
  • Protective Footwear are durable shoes that offer protection from animal trampling or sharp objects. Designed for comfort and safety, they are an essential part of personal veterinary clothing (PPE) for veterinarians and technicians working in environments where foot hazards are a concern.
  • Face Masks and Shields protect against airborne particles and splashes during procedures. They are crucial in preventing the inhalation of pathogens and the exposure of mucous membranes to potentially harmful substances, safeguarding the health of veterinary personnel.
  • Head Covers are used to keep hair contained, especially in sterile environments. Covers not only contribute to a professional appearance but also help prevent hair from falling onto sterile surfaces or equipment, minimizing the risk of contamination.
  • Safety Glasses or Goggles provide eye protection from splashes or chemicals. They also shield the eyes from potential infections that can be transmitted through contact with bodily fluids or aerosols.
  • Aprons offer added protection when handling larger animals or contaminants. Aprons shield the upper body from potential splashes, spills, and other forms of exposure, ensuring that veterinary professionals can work confidently and safely in a range of situations.

Why are a leading Veterinary Clothing manufacturer?

AdvaCare Pharma, a recognized name in the manufacture of Veterinary Clothing, is steadfast in adding value for distributors, veterinarians and livestock farmers. Our broad catalog of over 250 veterinary products, including the manufacturing of veterinary clothing, has cemented our credibility globally.

Our manufacturing facilities of veterinary clothing are located in China, India and the USA operate within rigorous ISO and CE standards. Backed by regular internal and third-party inspections, we elevate beyond typical industry practices. Such rigorous quality measures reinforce the integrity and safety of our offerings.

At AdvaCare Pharma's animal division, building strong partnerships is key. Our plan focuses on shared distribution tasks to benefit animal and pet health. Together, we aim for long-term success in the animal care market.