Manufacturer of Veterinary Vaccines

Vaccines for domestic and livestock animals are manufactured for the effective immunization of poultry, pigs, cows, goats and sheep. Our veterinary vaccine range includes inactivated viral, live viral, inactivated bacterial and live bacterial vaccines.
Veterinary Vaccines
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Veterinary vaccines for immunization of livestock animals.


  • 9001
    Quality Management
  • 14001
    Environmental Management
  • 45001
    Occupational Health and Safety


  • GMP
  • ISO
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  • VICH Dossier
  • Site Master File
  • Bioequivalence (BE) Studies

Manufacturing Locations

  • China, India, United States
*Regulatory compliance may vary according to production standard, import requirements and/or manufacturing origin.
A veterinarian providing details on the wide vet range of veterinary medicines manufacturer AdvaCare Pharma.

Veterinarian Voices

See why we are a trusted manufacturer of veterinary medications and pet supplements.

AdvaCare veterinary products are marketed by our distributors knowing that efficacy is assured. Such confidence in our products has made AdvaCare the market leader in countries where reliable, cost-effective livestock medications and pet supplements are in high demand.

Dr. C. Wagner

Veterinary Advisory Board

What is the meaning of Veterinary Vaccines?

Veterinary vaccines are designed to stimulate an immune response in animals. They are used across various species, including poultry, pigs, cows, goats, and sheep. These vaccines can contain inactivated or live versions of pathogens, whether viral or bacterial, to induce immunity without causing the disease.

Veterinary vaccines introduce a harmless part of the pathogen into the animal's body, triggering the immune system to produce antibodies against the pathogen. When the animal encounters the pathogen again, its immune system is ready to recognize and destroy the pathogen, preventing illness or reducing its severity.

Scientifically proven effects of vaccines for pets and other animals include reducing the incidence and severity of infectious diseases, decreasing the transmission of diseases to other animals or humans, and preventing the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Vaccine medicines are used in a wide range of animal species, including livestock, pets, and wildlife.

For instance, chicken vaccines and poultry vaccines play a pivotal role in safeguarding our global food supply by preventing the spread of diseases that can decimate flocks. Similarly, pigs vaccines are essential in the swine industry, ensuring the health of herds and reducing economic losses due to illnesses. Cattle vaccines not only protect livestock from debilitating diseases but also contribute to the quality of meat and milk products, ensuring they are safe for consumption.

What are Veterinary Vaccines used for?

What are Veterinary Vaccines used to treat?

Vaccines can boost immunity to common infections to lessen the spread and severity of potential infections. Common indications of veterinary vaccines include:

  • Preventing infectious diseases
  • Controlling outbreaks
  • Reducing disease severity
  • Protecting public health
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements

What is the mechanism of common Veterinary Vaccines?

Vaccines for livestock and pets work by stimulating the animal's immune system to recognize and respond to specific disease-causing pathogens. They contain weakened or killed forms of the virus or bacteria, or parts of the pathogen called antigens, which can trigger an immune response.

When the animal is exposed to the actual pathogen in the future, its immune system will recognize and destroy the pathogen before it causes illness. This is called acquired immunity. Vaccine treatments are a highly effective way to prevent infectious diseases in animals and have been scientifically proven to reduce disease transmission and improve animal health.

Why should vaccines for pets be used?

Vaccines for pets play a pivotal role in safeguarding them from harmful and often life-threatening diseases. By immunizing your animals, you not only ensure their health and longevity but also reduce the risk of disease transmission to other pets and humans. It's an essential step in responsible pet ownership and preventative care.

Why are chicken vaccines and other livestock immunizations important?

Chicken vaccines and poultry vaccines are crucial in protecting flocks from prevalent and devastating diseases, ensuring the health of the birds and the safety of poultry products for human consumption. Similarly, pigs vaccines and cattle vaccines play a vital role in the swine and bovine industry, mitigating the spread of illnesses and promoting healthier growth. Prioritizing these vaccinations is key for sustainable and safe livestock farming.

Can vaccines cause adverse reactions in animals?

While vaccines are generally safe and well-tolerated, there can be occasional adverse reactions, similar to how humans may react to vaccines. These reactions might include mild symptoms like local swelling or discomfort at the injection site or, in rare cases, more severe reactions.

How often should animals be vaccinated?

The vaccination schedule for animals varies depending on factors such as the type of vaccine, the species of animal, and the local disease prevalence. Veterinarians typically establish a vaccination plan tailored to the specific needs of the animal and its environment. Some vaccines require annual boosters, while others offer protection for multiple years. Regular consultation with a veterinarian is crucial to ensure animals are up-to-date on their vaccinations.

Types of Veterinary Vaccines

Vaccines are an essential part of veterinary medicine to decrease and prevent the spread of disease and infection. There are a number of different types of vaccines for chicken (poultry), pigs, cattle, goats, sheep and other animals. Two basic classifications of vaccines include:

Inactivated Vaccines

Inactivated vaccines are a type of veterinary vaccine made from inactivated or killed pathogens. These pathogens are no longer infectious but still contain the components that can stimulate an immune response. When the inactivated vaccine is administered to the animal, the immune system recognizes the foreign components in the vaccine medicine and produces antibodies against them. These antibodies will then protect the animal from future infections by the same pathogen.

Inactivated vaccine treatments are commonly used for a variety of indications, including bacterial and viral diseases. They are often used for diseases that are difficult to treat once an animal has become infected, or for diseases that have a high risk of transmission to humans or other animals.

Attenuated Live Vaccines

Attenuated live vaccines (ALVs) are a type of veterinary vaccine that contain weakened forms of the disease-causing pathogen. The weakened pathogen can still replicate and cause an immune response, but it is unable to cause disease. ALVs stimulate a strong and long-lasting immune response because they closely mimic natural infection. These vaccines for pets and livestock are commonly used for viral diseases such as canine distemper, feline panleukopenia, and equine influenza.

List of common Veterinary Vaccines

Vaccines contain elements of infectious diseases that help the body build immunity. There are many types of vaccines available. The following list includes examples of common vaccines for dogs, cats, and other animals:

- Rabies vaccine (re-exposure prophylaxis) - Canine distemper vaccine - Feline calicivirus vaccine - Feline leukemia vaccine - Equine influenza vaccine - Bovine respiratory syncytial virus vaccine - Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) Vaccine (AdvaVac™ PCV2) - Avian Influenza Vaccine (AdvaVac™ Bird Flu) - Newcastle Disease Vaccine (AdvaVac™ ND) - Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine (AdvaVac™ IB) - Mycoplasma vaccine - Infectious Coryza Vaccine (AdvaVac™ Coryza) - E. coli vaccine - Pasteurella vaccine - Clostridium vaccine

Why are we a trusted manufacturer of Veterinary Vaccines?

AdvaCare Pharma is a globally established supplier and manufacturer of Veterinary Vaccines. Our extensive range of more than 250 veterinary medicines includes the specialized manufacturing and supplying of 20+ veterinary vaccines for common diseases and health concerns affecting chickens, pigs, sheep, goats and other animals.

With veterinary vaccine manufacturing facilities in the USA, India and China, we are able to supply veterinary distributors in over 65 markets around the world. Our animal vaccine manufacturing facilities focus on the highest quality standards, ensuring that the most up-to-date GMP rules and regulations are followed. Government, internal and third-party inspections regularly guarantee that all our vet vaccine products exceed the required standards.